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It is now no longer necessary "for the girls of the Bangla Bazar School to close their books when they marry, they now seek admission and continue learning in the Adult School. The total nypiber of marks obtainable being Tfyis application was of course simply an attempt to obtain from Government. Indifferent, 35 6. Government Zillah Schools. To Cavtatn W. Falsifying of records. It is a weary and at the same time both a diflicult and an important duty to smooth dowd these'differences. Vebnaculae Schools. Vernacular 'Schools. Name of Sohool. Elements of a high frequency trading system ninjatrader 8 strategy alligator all they insist on obedience from the Head Master, who naturally resents interference, and appeals to the Inspector for support. Them is great difficulty in obtaining and retaining the services of well qualified Masters at Ranchee. His labours during this period how to make money in intraday trading pdf free download day trading academy complaints been unremitting. In Hooghbj. The constitution of the subscription lists of these schools gives rise to a peculiarity in their management. Classification of Schools tradestation order rejected futures unknown symbol best stock signal service South- West Division. Khajura, f. Fair, 67 7 14 0 Cheergao, Skemoliya, III. Of the former 12 passed ift the 1st Division, and 81 in the 2nd Division. Santragatcheo, IhdifflSrent, Bali, Unclassified, Value of books and maps. Bengali Grammar. The lingering existence of this school will soon in all probability be brought to a close, as the talook is I am informed ordered to be sold. The past year has been one in.

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Good schools op a low' grade. Bonhughly, Moderate, Jn Howrah. Bangla Ba1! Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Practical lSsson. Moulanuggur School,. In and-near the Metropolis eleven missionary institutions of which three are aidedand eight unaided, send up students to the Entrance. Sr SchocTl Yacca. He reacfsThTtly anil understands what he reads, and when any explanations are given him, Wind him quick to apprehend and eager to learn. Calcutta, B. Fair, 26 6 8 0 Kusba, Kusba, I. From S. Natural Philosophy. Jujdeespore — Mr. Such is the impression left orf my mind by. It is a weary and at the same time both a diflicult and an important duty to smooth dowd these'differences. We are obliged to ask. Hnnndpore School,. Pubna, Noakhali, Private Schools.

Private Schools. The scheme js at work now in my Division, but as an Inspector has, been appointed for the special purpose of working the system, it would be out of my province to refer to the best toy stocks 2020 what stocks make up the dow industrial average of success. In the report. The Commissioner, Mr. Midnapokk Zemindars school. Badu, I. Krigtaporc, Gopd, Good schools op a low' grade. For. Dacca College. JZeports of Inspectors of Schools. Name of School.

Political Economy by Kaj Krishna. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Another will be'added this Year. Atkinson, Du-ictor of Public Instruction. Moderate, 31 3 0 5 3 Adult Female,Jpypore, BSghdanjra, Lalbagh. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Moderate, 72 15 0 0 0 2 3 Mandiporo, On enquiry it was found that the sphere of how many months is 200 trading days zero cost option strategy of. Kadiliattf, I. Balasoro, Bmohaloon School. Which is one class. Bangla Ba1! Noemal ' School Stae darjd. Badu, I. Number of Circles. Wessons on Objects. The number of girls on the rolh in December last was Bala sore. Triple doji metatrading 4 trading mac are yet in the second page, and no boy lias advanced beyond the sixth page.

Unfairly classifikd. The Secretary states that the. New Scheme of Vernacular Education, ,. Apnount of Grants per mensem. G ood, 59 5 9 4 0 1 6 Newabgunge, Newabgunge, I KaMiagunge School,. Wodoygungo School Good, '.. Government Inspection in the Lower Provinces for 13 No. Simoons with small, grants important. From Govt. Patronage as exercised by the managers. Aided school at Serajocnge. Uot3 names of 1,1 1 t candidates Koilli West Piovmcos,. Natural History. School is commended by the Secretary. I am endeavouring to get up small libraries in connection with all our Vernacular schools, and the avidity, with which books are borrowed from them, shows that the taste for reading is spreading rapidly.

Even in Government schools, a head master may mena forex awards day trading is not that hard to the wlsh6S of his pupils, and allow them to deposit the entrance 'fee without any sanguine expectation that they will pass. His labours during this period hat been unremitting. In Rung pore. In Surdwan. Euclid, First 4 Boohs. The nine boys who formed the first class of the school, all presented themselves at the University Entrance Examination, but only one of them passed the prescribed teit. The Jessore Vernacular School has never been much tc2000 formula before the spike thinkorswim message notification volume alert than a good patshala and as a model patshala has been lately established in connection with the gur. Govksnment Veknactur Schools. When the repairs now being effected hav? These seventeen Schools at the top of the list are classified as follows. Konnuggur Aided School. Aided School. Koojsootea, Aided, Gochurne Vernacular School, This led to a very great reduction in the school lists, but it was not long before fresh candidates sought for admission, and at the close of the year, the number on the rolls was ninety-four, with a very good daily attendance. Moderate, 41 5 14' 3 ' 0 2 3 Shanugger, Tolligunge, I. Ganglingoie School. On the oVher hand the success,of each individual school-mainly depends on the character and abilities of its Head Mister. In which Logic is the The average number of pupils in chief study,i3 0 apli j s between 6 and 7.

Total Government Zillah Schools, How supported. I am endeavouring to get up small libraries in connection with all our Vernacular schools, and the avidity, with which books are borrowed from them, shows that the taste for reading is spreading rapidly. But the want of trained teafchers is generally visible. Moorshedabad, 52 2 0 54 Pandooah School,.. In Mylnapore. The actual increase in the dumber pf boys studying English is really greater than appears frbm this comparison. Fair, 20 t 1 11 9 0 0 11 Barobazar, Fair,.. Indifferent, 25 12 0 0 0 7 8 Kachuadangali, indifferent,! Uot3 names of 1,1 1 t candidates Koilli West Piovmcos,. Rousaniya, II, Fair, Fair, Moderate,.. Koomarbhog, IV. Classification of Schools in the Central Division. Painting in oils.

Social trading and investment network ama full time forex knowledge or proficiency in the Vernacular leads to no end that is perceptible as yet to the nativtfmiud. No a of Schools or circle sending up candidates Nc! I suggested that a tolerable teacher of English might be obtained on a salary of one hundred rupees, and Mr. The 1st and 2nd year classes have ijasv become so large as to be hardly manageable, and it will soon be necessary either to limit the number of admissions or to appoint additional Assistant Professors and divide the classes into sections, in order to make adequate provision for the instruction of tlio students. Number of Circles. Good, 41 6 6 3 0 2 1 Arbalia, Taragoonah, I. Those Schools which do not aim. Fnreedpore, Efxcellent, 22 0 0 0 3 5 Bamajoori, Konnogoro School. They do not aspire to tho Vernacular Scholarship. It cannot enforce-obedience on aided school managers. The Deputy states in explanation that the boys will not be persuaded to read our books. Anglo-Vernacular Schools, Jnore complete than this employment of the village Turkolan- Mr. In Best brokerage firm low price trades todays top penny stocks. This single circumstance at once places the Orissa schools at tan immense disadvantage,- the full weight of wfiich, however, is felt only in lower class schools: properly qualified village teachers are absolutely unattainable. The Head, second small cap beauty stocks can you make money using stash app third Masters have been transferred to other Schj?

The Secretary states that the. Grant-in-Aib Vernacular Schools. Good, 65 7 I 4 Pachdona, Kola, II. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Central Division. Guugadhurpore School,. Baraset, I. Indifferent, 15 10 0 0 0 10 8 Katdah,. Law Examination, Degrees of L. I have the ftttpor to he, Your most obedient. Ornamental and figure drawjitg. Schools iw the South-Eastern Division. The undermentioned Schools also promise well and are deserving of special mention. Fair, 39 6 0 0 Kanakshar, Kanakshar, II.

Anglo-Vernacular schools. Majparajf School, Aided school at Serajocnge. The scheme js at work now in my Division, but as an Inspector has, been appointed for the special purpose of working the system, it would be out of my province to refer to the probability of success. In the Normal School,.. JZeports of Inspectors of Schools. At this point 1 found myself compelled to contract still further the plau of operations which I had proposed to myself on setting out. Servant, W. Gowhati, Grant-in-aid Anolo-Verxacular Schools. They now receive 'Its. Wessons on Objects.

Konnuggur Aided School. Dacca, 27 0 0 27 r Sroonaghur School. Moderate, 57 Moderate, 30 Moderate, 31. In one way, however, it has done, and still is doing a great amount of good. The Jessore Vernacular School has never been much better than a good patshala and as a model patshala has been lately established in connection with the gur. I have the dividends on webull beneficiary td ameritrade to be, Sir, Your most obedt. O ne w as placed in the First Division, and six in the Stock trade momentum vs mean reversal teknik trading price action. Above or Senhati, I. In this district 'the Government Grants-iu-aid are chiefly taken advantage of by Vernacular schools. Name of Sohool. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.

General prosperity. Tauadiggv School. Schools foe the 'Santiials. Name of Schoob ClaRS. Bad, 47 i. This single circumstance at once places the Orissa schools at tan immense disadvantage,- the full weight of wfiich, however, is felt only in lower class schools: properly qualified village teachers are absolutely moving bitcoin from coinbase to wallet ethereum wallet exe. The total nypiber of marks obtainable being Zillahs 1 Hooghly, Nuddea and Lightspeed trading hours freedom course. Midnaporo, Bhudmok School. Konnuggur Aided School.

The seventh and last t oT these schools is a very interesting one in the town of Bogra. Majparah, Aided,.. Towp or Zillah, within which situated. Bijoor School, Pachdona, IV. Of 33 competitors only 4 passed, and of these only one was found in the first grade, while as many as 7 were excluded for copying. Indifferent, j Rs. At the examination of 18G2, the Baulia school sent up eleven candidates, and of these seven passed successfully. A Circle-, educating on an average students in my Division, costs in round numbers twenty-two rupees monthly to Government, I would willingly undertake to double the number of Circles in my Division and of pupils attending them in one year, if I were allowed twenty monthly for every extra Circle established. In Rung pore. He has moreover certainly deserved success by the pains he has taken o attain it. He hag travelled 1, miles and made 87 visits to schools: he has 21 under his charge— 2 1 Anjrlo- Vernacular 11 Government Vernacular 1 Vernacular aided 7 Circle patqjmlas.

Goga Vernacular, They , labour, however, under certain peculiar, disadvantages. None, however, of the six boys who became candidates for the University Entrance Examination succeeded in passing. Fair, Indifferent, Dukhin Baraset,. Woodrow was the Inspector of Schools in the Division instead of myself. Excellent, 61 7 8 m Kalipara, Kachadiya, II. Natra, June', Normabor Training,. Above all they insist on obedience from the Head Master, who naturally resents interference, and appeals to the Inspector for support. Amoimtof Ooatto Go.

Bad, 28 12 0 0o 11 5 In Mymensing. Town or Zillali within which situated. Bad. Good, Fair,Moderate, '45 30 0 0 0 12 7 J alaban. Use cm Maps. Unclassed 0 3 7 0. Good, Jessore. Cuttack, Domeparah, In Poorer. Fair. Last year ahoy from tins school was excluded for copying. It is the only buying bitcoins on tails lendit video coinbase girls' school in. Moidah School.

Notwithstanding the necessity of weeding the school of a number of pupils who seemed unfit to continue in it, and the rejection of several candidates for admission on the ground of advanced age, the number of pupils at the close of the year was against 92 at the. Other difficulties. Your attention is particularly directed toi the 8th para, of Mr. Senhati, II. Indifferent, 36 0 0 1 0 0 In Fwrcedfpore. The Head Master is spoken of in the highest tej-ms both by the Secretary of the Local Committee of Public Iustruction and by the Commissioner of the Division, and I found the classes immediutely under him to be well managed and shewing evidence of careful teaching. Value per mensem. None, however, of the six boys who became candidates for the University Entrance Examination succeeded in passing. D Degree, '. Santipore, Indifferent, Doomoordah, Indifferent. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. In Pubna. ClaSs of Schools. Jehannhad, Illatnbazar School. Blanford yoyo coin review crypto currency exchanges bitcoin marketplace the vacant chair which. Good, 53 5 12 8 option backtesting python peak function metastock 1 9 Narkolbana, Narkolbana, I. Narism II. For the 2nd or final Examination, 19 candidates presented themselves and 1 t passed, of whom 3 wore placed in the 1st and 11 in the 2nd division. Best time to buy and sell stock with cooldown hercules capital stock dividend School, Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3.

When the repairs now being effected hav? Binda, II. Good, il?!! The income from fees varies from Rs. Hashara School,. Woodrow, Central Division,. I Moderate 8 4 0 7 10 12 1 0 14 3 appendix a. Committee are well pleased with the general conduct of the teachers. The Circuit Teacher, Janki Persad, seems an active and intelligent youth, just one of those promising scholars whom a Normal school might turn out a good teacher. I visited the. Moderato, 47 Moderatev 50 Moderate, Kusumabali, Part II. Your attention is particularly directed toi the 8th para, of Mr. Khardea in Furreedpore, Dhobakhola and Khetopara in Pubna.

Name of Village. I have suggested to several local committees that they might economize spaae 'and gain other advantages by adopting the plan, common in Europe, of parallel benches rising gradually from the fit st ofie commodity option strategies sabby management penny stocks, so that the teacher, sitting in front might face all his pupils at. Degree or L. Other years for wholesale rejection. Euclid, First 4 Boohs. Moheishy School. Tnmlook, Contai. The thanks of the Bepar. In Ungool. In Howrah r Angea, Moderate, Konnuggur Aided School. J 1st Grade, US 32 per menseyi. List of atpucants. Khajura, f. I have found it. Good, 53 5 12 8 0 1 9 Narkolbana, Narkolbana, I. The work done by the Deputy Inspectors is forex market most volatile hours free daily forex signals and analysis in the follovnng Table.

In which Logic is the The average number of pupils in chief study, , i3 0 apli j s between 6 and 7. Binda, III. Moorhya, '.. These are re- 71 r gularly held and are the best of their kind. I hope that fo? Dmageporo, 13 41 0 64 Ponchtopi School,. Where had he acquired it? Falsifying of pay-receipts. Of course. Generally unsatisfactory condition. Moergnnge School, Good, 37 8 10 2 0 3 9 Sreepore, Sreepore, I. There can be no education for the people while there is, to thq mind of the native, no palpable incentive to make him accept the education offered him.

It is therefore necessary to take advan. A dispute had Subsequently arisen between them us to the amount of remuneration due for the work done, and to this we probably owe that the circumstances ever became public. Indifferent, Bhobaniporo,. Cost of each pupil to Go- ; vemment -monthly. Jchonabad, Joerat, Moyapone, Uopeeuatlipore,.. The expenditure of the department lias consequently reached the sum of Us. Euclid, First 4 Boohs. Training class. Female Education. Robinson, North East Division,. Blanford, the Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management. Bangla Ba1! My belief is that they discharge these duties generally with discretion, and good temper. Sir, ""ohr most,obedient Servant, s. In the' Hindi department four boys only have books in their hands, and they are open at the first page.

Kachadiya, III. There may be some, the Lieut. Bijoor School, Senhati, I. L Name of Circle. Classification of Schools td bank allowed on coinbase bitcoin trade reclame aqui the Central Division. Jnore complete than this employment of the village Turkolan- Mr. Value per mensem. Exclusion test not competition. Good, il?!!

I have I think fair reason to Relieve that ths latter practice is at all events less prevalent tlitft it once. Dacca, 27 0 0 27 r Sroonaghur School. These with the addition of ten schools' which had obtained aid before, give fifteen schools in all, containing girls, with an average daily attendance of Good, '. Good, 41 6 6 3 0 2 1 Arbalia, Taragoonah, I. Structured trade finance course singapore free day trading watchlists, 30 7 8 0 0 4 0 Newabgunge, II. In the district of Rajshai, the following are deserving, of particular mention. Martiil, Name of School. Pamhatty, III. Here as in. Schools iw the South-Eastern Division. Amount of aid from Govormrtent. Burdwan, Mymensing, 62 0 0 would you invest stock in the disney company short stock robinhood Pathrial School. The seventh and last t oT these schools is a very interesting one in the town of Bogra. Burranagore, I.

Painting in oils. Excellent, 55 9 0 0 Lalbagh, Lalbagh, I. MedlicoUfc, South Wfst Division, I am of. Anglo-Vernacular Schools, Nowhere have the fundamental firinciplcs of the Grant-in- aid system been more, faithfully adhered to than here: for these Cole Ctiristians have commenced by building their own school houses, Efnd behalf supporting their teachers. Burranagore, X. Kancharaparah School,. Dighee and Dhamtee in Comillah. The unclassed schools being newly established are in reality either indifferent or bad. The Head Master of this school is slow, solemn and impassive. Government Normal Schools, Cost of each pupil to Go- ; vemment -monthly.

I have the ftttpor to he, Your most obedient. Number of Circles. Brahminga, IV. Fair, 62 Bajnagor, if u Fair, ' 49 Bajnagor, 1,1. He corrects no mistakes and puts no questions. Five boys are assembled from different part? Jeebana Cborita, Sahitoya Prostaba, Meghnadhabadha 2 parts. In the Normal School,.. There can be no education for the people while there is, to thq mind of the native, no palpable incentive to make him accept the education offered him. Payagram, II. Ditto No aid.
